Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

The end of the year is quickly approaching, and EOY testing begins in April.  

Tips for Testing Days:

Get to sleep early the night before

Eat breakfast

Arrive to school on time



What end of year test will my student take?

      • All students will take the BEST Writing assessment in April.
        • 6TH 4/2
        • 7TH 4/4
        • 8TH 4/5
      • All students will take the FAST Reading assessment in May.
        • 6TH 5/1
        • 7TH 5/2
        • 8TH 5/3
      • All students will take an assessment for Math:
        • 6th, 6th Accelerated, 7th, 7th Accelerated, & Pre-Algebra will take the FAST Math assessment in May.
          • 6TH 5/13
          • 7TH 5/14
          • 8TH 5/15
        • Algebra will take the Algebra EOC.
          • 7TH 5/14
          • 8TH 5/15
        • Geometry will take the Geometry EOC.
          • 7TH 5/14
          • 8TH 5/15
      • All students will take an assessment for Science:
        • 6th, 6th accelerated, 7th, & Physical Science will take a District Final.
          • 6TH 5/9
          • 7TH 5/9
          • 8TH 5/9
        • 7th Accelerated and 8th will take the Statewide Science Assessment.
          • 7TH 5/9
          • 8TH 5/9
      • All students will take an assessment for Social Studies:
        • US History, World History, and Pre-AP World History will take a District Final.
          • US History 5/15
          • World History 5/13
          • Pre-AP World History and Geography 5/14
        • Civics will take the Civics EOC.
          • Civics 5/16
      • Students in the following electives will have a District Final
        • Spanish 1 (5/8) & Spanish 2 (5/17)
        • Band (5/10)
        • Chorus (5/10)
        • Theatre (5/10)
        • Intro to Arts A/V (5/6)
        • PE (5/6)
        • Health Science ((5/6)
        • Medical Skills (5/8)
        • Art (5/7)
        • Computer Applications 1 & 2 (5/7)
        • Robotics (5/7)
        • Technology (5/7)
        • Guitar (5/10)
        • Health 6th (5/16)