18654 Mentmore Boulevard • Land O’ Lakes, FL 34638 • Phone: (813) 346-1200 FAX (813) 346-1291
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Ravens School News
2025 Color Run Fundraiser
2025 PTSA Color Run FundraiserOur school is hosting a Color Run fundraiser on Wednesday, March 5th. This is an exciting event for students who participate. You can register online to give and/or receive credit card donations. You may also submit cash/check...
7th Grade Required Immunization
Please bring in immunization record to the front office. (Summer Hours: Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm). The Florida Department of Health requires all incoming 7th graders to have the following immunization:• Tdap (1 dose)...
Family Night with Mathnasium
Join us on Wednesday, March 5th for our 3rd Quarter Family Night with Mathnasium! Join us for rewards, giveaways, and games for the whole family! #RusheNation #SoaringtoExtraordinary RSVP HERE
24-25 Student of the Month
Congratulations to our Student of the Month Recipients! These students exemplify our Raven Claws by being respectful, responsible and a problem-solver. Thank you to Jerry McCarthy – State Farm Agent and Rocky Contreras from KnowledgePoints Tutoring of...
Winter Clothing Drive
SGA, NJHS, and Builder's Club are hosting a winter drive to collect hats, scarves, gloves, and blankets for donation to a local shelter. The drive will run from January 17 through February 13. #RusheNation #SoaringtoExtraordinary
8th Graders: Purchase a Yearbook Ad
Follow this easy, three-step process to purchase a 8th Grade Personal Ad.Select the ad size you want to buy. Each ad has a limit to the number of photos and text characters it can fit. Please choose accordingly.Decide on your photo(s) and message.Go to...
Curriculum Fair – December 19, 2024
Incoming 6th grade families, come see a presentation in the cafeteria to introduce you to CSRMS and all we have to offer your student. 6-6:45 pm: OES & SMES7-7:45: BES & LMESAll incoming families can take a self-guided stroll through the gym to...
End of Semester 1 Testing Schedule
December and January Testing Schedule This schedule includes FAST Reading, FAST Math, and District Finals only.
Kindness Month
Help CelebrateKindness MonthJoin us and celebrate Kindness Month by participating in Spirit Week next week! #RusheNation #SoaringtoExtraordinary Monday, November 11th: Salute to Soldiers - Wear stars and stripesTuesday, November 12th: Brighten Someone’s...