Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Parent, students, and community members,

We need your input on an extremely timely and important topic: The anticipated return to school in the fall. As we prepare for the start of the 2020-2021 school year, we need to create safeguards to protect the health of students and staff, while creating an environment where students can be successful and staff can do their jobs.

We want to hear from you. To gather your feedback, we’re using a tool called Thoughtexchange. Your opinions matter, so your participation is crucial and valued.

Click here to participate

You’ll be asked to respond to one open-ended question. Your response could be an opinion, a suggestion, a concern, etc. You will also have an opportunity to “rate” ideas and comments shared by others, by assigning stars to their responses (starring 20 to 30 of others’ responses is ideal). Your ratings will help us to learn what’s important to the group.

Your thoughts and stars are confidential. You can come back as often as you’d like to participate. In fact, we ask that you do come back to star some of the new ideas shared since you first participated. The ratings will help us understand the most important areas to focus on for our anticipated return to school in the fall.

Participation will be open until Monday, June 1. We would encourage you to participate now, and return as often as you like.

If you need technical help, please call Thoughtexchange at 1-800-361-9027 ext. 4 or email

Thank you in advance for your help and input.

For more information visit: