Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Starting on Wednesday, July 1, the Rushe Ravens will begin Our Summer Fit Club Conditioning and Training.

There will be 2 Groups of 20 total People for 90 Minutes of Training.

Group A will be training from 7:30AM – 9:00AM.

Group B will be training from 9:15AM – 10:45AM.

Your Group’s Drop off and Pick up times must be followed so that there is time for pre-training and post-training safety measures between groups to be followed.

You will need gym clothes, sneakers, and cleats.

You will also need and must bring either:

2 One Gallon Water Jugs
1 Two Gallon Water Jug.

You will need a current notarized sports physical completed with all of the signed consent forms as well. All athletic forms can be accessed at this link

If you would like to contact our Head Football Coach, Steve Williams, with any questions, you can email him at

We are excited and can’t wait to begin working out together while following the appropriate safety guidelines!