Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Hello Families,

This is the time of year when students and families become concerned about what the new year holds in terms of schedules. Unfortunately, our turn around for the new year has been changed as a result of the hurricanes we dealt with earlier in the year. With that being said, we are prioritizing schedule changes. The following schedule changes have been prioritized and will occur before Jan 3, 2023:

  • Students without an existing second semester elective.
  • Students who have completed recovery and require a new elective option.
  • Students who are failing a high school level course and need to be moved in order to ensure their high school GPA is not impacted.

Requests to move out of an elective due to preference will not be entertained until the first few weeks of Jan, upon our return from Winter Break. We apologize in advance for any stress this may cause. We will open the schedule change request form upon our arrival, and changes will be made on a first come, first serve bases. Please keep in mind, that schedule changes will be determined by availability within each course and section.


CSRMS Administration