Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

  • All FSA and EOC tests must be completed on campus.
    • FSA Writes, FSA Reading, FSA Math (all grades)
    • Science (8th grade & 7th Accelerated Science students)
    • Algebra EOC (Algebra students)
    • Geometry EOC (Geometry students)
    • Civics EOC (Civics students)​​
  • MSO Students will be required to come on campus to complete all FSA and Algebra/Geometry/Civics EOCs (More information will be sent out via email and mail to families.)
  • Students will need headphones for FSA and EOC assessments.  Students will NOT be permitted to use blue tooth enabled earbuds such as Air Pods.
  • State testing is scheduled to begin in April with the writing portion of the FSA.


Dates and time of testing will be communicated to MSO students via the home address that is on file at CSRMS.  Teachers will also have information regarding test dates and times. 

FSA Writes starts Monday, April 5th. Mr. Salerno sent out a text message and email to families with their student’s testing date and time. Students should have also received testing information from their AIR Time teachers. If your student does not know their testing day, please email or call the front office during school hours. #RusheNation