Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Please select the best time slot for a campus tour for your incoming 6th grader(s). These tours are only for incoming 6th-grade students who are attending school in a face-to-face manner. Due to health/safety precautions, we will only be able to include students on the tour. Please sign-up for one appointment per student. We ask that students are brought by a parent to the designated entry point for each group (entry points are listed in the title of each group). We will have staff at each entry point to greet students and direct the students to the starting location for their tour. We ask that students wear face coverings at all times inside the building and/or when outside and social distancing is not possible. Student pick-up will take place at the same entry point that the student was dropped off at and we ask that a parent go to the entry point to pick-up their student. We anticipate that the tours will last about 40 min. and ask that parent pick-up is done in a timely manner as we have several tours throughout the day and are using the same locations for each of the time slots.
We look forward to meeting your students and helping them transition to Rushe Middle School!!