Student schedules, emergency cards, and parent consent forms will be available via the parent portal on 7/31/24.  Create a parent portal at

Dear Parent or Guardian,

I am pleased to introduce Naviance Student – a mobile-friendly, comprehensive website that you and your student can use to make plans about colleges and careers. Naviance Student is linked with Naviance™, a service that we use by our school counselors to track and analyze data about college and career plans, so it provides up-to-date information that’s specific to our school.

Naviance Student allows your student to:

Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage timelines and deadlines for making decisions about colleges and careers

Research colleges – Compare GPA, standardized test scores, and other statistics to actual historical data from our school for students who have applied and been admitted in the past

Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and career clusters, and take career assessments

Create future plans – Create goals and to-dos, and complete tasks assigned by the school to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.

Naviance Student also lets us share information with you and your student about upcoming meetings and events, local scholarship opportunities, and other resources for college and career information.

When a parent visits the site for the first time, they will have to register a code in which they will need to contact Naviance help desk.   All students will be able to access their Naviance account through my Pasco Connect on their dashboard.  It will list the tasks that needs to be completed for that grade level to meet the career promotion requirement.   We hope that you will find this resource helpful. If you have questions about Naviance Student, please see the video on our school website under School Counselors.

Our school counselors will be visiting health classes for 6th grade students and social studies classes for 7th and 8th grade students to provide an overview of Naviance.  If you wish for your child to not participate and would rather they complete this at home with you, please notify your child’s school counselor by the end of the day on Friday, February 3rd.  The following are the email addresses for each of the school counselors:

Denise Ferguson –

Sarah Western –

8th grade students were given time during 1st semester to work on their required Career Component lessons using the Naviance app on their myPascoConnect. This must be completed by ALL 8th graders by the end of the year. #RusheNation