Syllabus for Physical Education

  • Coach Alvarez – (813) 346-1246 (boy’s office)
  •  Coach Snyder – (813) 356-1246 (boy’s office)
  • Coach Flatley – (813) 346-1247 (girl’s office)

  Mission Our mission is to facilitate students in improving their quality of life through regular physical activity. This will be accomplished by using a student-centered approach while teaching the psychomotor, cognitive, and affective aspects of physical fitness and demonstrating personal responsibility in all areas of the curriculum.   Expected Student Outcome Participation in Physical Education shall require clothing appropriate to the activity, such as, tennis shoes, shorts (appropriate), t-shirts and sweatpants. This promotes freedom of movement, safe participation, and builds a good hygienic practice. Should a student not wear tennis shoes to school, they can bring them in their book bag or store them in their locker and change before class.  Should a student have any special needs, they should see their coach to make arrangements when necessary. Each unit of activity will be 2 weeks long.   Grading Student’s will be able to earn up to 3 points each day:

  • 1 point for safety
  • 1 point for skill assessment
  • 1 point for sportsmanship

  If a student needs to be excused from participating, they must do the following:

  • Bring a signed and dated written note from a parent or guardian with a valid reason (illness/injury).
  • If the student has a serious illness or injury that will keep the student from participating for more than three days a doctor’s note will be required. The coach will then assign alternative work.

  Locks and Lockers There will be a $5.00 rental fee charged for locks. Do not share your locker or combination, you are responsible for your own lock and you are the only one who will be given the combination.  Students will be held responsible for their lock and locker.   Behavioral Expectations Courts, Field, Gym, and Locker Room-

  • You are to be in the gym, lined up for attendance, when the bell rings or you will be The consequences for being tardy will follow the school-wide tardy policy. Dress out quickly and wait to be dismissed to go out to the activity for the day. Lock all clothes, books, and valuables in your locker. We are not responsible for your belongings.
  • Anyone caught defacing the locker room or any school property will be dealt with by administration.
  • Running, profanity, fooling around and screaming are not allowed.
  • Do not enter the coach’s office without permission.
  • You will be dismissed at the end of class by the coach
  • Do not go outside of the locker room until you are dismissed.
  • Do not touch any locks or lockers unless it is your own.
  • Do not share your locker/combination with anyone.

  If anyone is caught intentionally damaging any part of the physical education facilities or equipment, they will be restricted from use and will be expected to pay for the damages.     Per Board Policy- 2240 – CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES The Board recognizes that a course of study or certain instructional materials may contain content and/or activities that some parents find objectionable. If after careful, personal review of the program lessons and/or materials, a parent indicates to the school that either the content or the activity conflicts with his religious beliefs or value system, the school will consider a written request for his child to be excused from a particular class for specified reasons. The student, however, will not be excused from participating in the course and will be provided alternate learning activities during times of such parent requested absences. Below are additional resources to help with questions related to Board Policy 2240: • For information on the standards taught within this course, please visit • There are instructional mandates that are required by the Florida Department of Education that may be covered within this course. For more information on these, please review Florida Statute 1003.42, Required Instruction. • Florida legislation that can be reviewed to assist with additional questions related to Controversial Issues and/or parent’s rights are House Bill 0007, House Bill 1467, and House Bill 1557.    

We look forward to having an amazing year!!      

I have read and understand the information above:    

Student signature: _____________________________Date__________    

Parent signature: ______________________________Date__________